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If you’re a passionate V-Ray user, you and your career could benefit from becoming a V-Ray Certified Professional. V-ray created a way to help qualified V-Ray artists and designers stand out from the crowd. Apply your skills to our specially created test and V-Ray evaluate your knowledge and V-Ray skills!
Once you pass the V-Ray exam, you’ll receive a special V-Ray Certified Professional (VCP) certificate along with a brand book
To take the exam, we recommend that you have at least one year of experience using V-Ray as your main renderer. The test takes an hour and consists of a series of challenging questions to test your V-Ray knowledge — so be prepared!
The VCP exam is currently available for the following platforms:
- V-Ray for 3ds Max
- V-Ray for Maya
- V-Ray for SketchUp
- V-Ray for Rhino
Take a look at VCP exam guide to help you prepare for the test.Good luck!
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Contact us for more info
[email protected] | 00970-597301188